目前分類:Sunshine Hitoma (5)

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感謝我們親愛的領隊Aso, Chuan每天關心著大家
感謝Odet, Joanne , Bird 為大家煮愛心餐 也幫我們很多
感謝村長Nono 一直忙著照顧我們
感謝Hitoma的村人&小朋友 給我如此美好的回憶

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John Vincent (Second grade)

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*雖然我們沒有改變一切的力量 也許能做的並不多 但是我們總是想付出些什麼


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It's been a while.... Life has been changing - as it always seems to do - a lot lately!!!
I had been looking for a long time into opportunities to volunteer abroad. I just applied a program to volunteer abroad in Philippines and it was accepted!!! This is more than just a last hurrah before my graduation. I’m so flattered that I got this opportunity cause there are lots of people applied for the program and actually they are better than me. I am beginning to feel like that might be the best thing for next year!!!

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